TV- appearances and portraits
Whether it is a report, a portrait or a feature – if it is about professional genealogy in Germany, Andrea Bentschneider is a sought after expert in the media:
"ARD-Buffet" on ARD (German television), 03 February 2023
Andrea Bentschneider spoke live about genealogy on the advice show.

"Sag die Wahrheit" ("Speak the truth") on SWR (German television), 29 Apr 2019
Andrea Bentschneider was a guest on the game show as a professional genealogist and the celebrity guessing team of Kim Fischer, Ursula Cantieni, Pierre M. Krause and Mike Krüger had to try and find out who the real genealogist was.

"ARD-Buffet" on ARD (German television), 27 March 2019
Andrea Bentschneider spoke live with host Fatma Mittler-Solak about genealogy on the advice show.

"Mein Nachmittag" ("My afternoon") on NDR (German television), 20 Feb 2019
In the section "Auf'n Schnack" ("On a chat") Andrea Bentschneider talked about genealogywith the presenters Kristina Lüdke and Arne Jessen.

"Live nach Neun" ("Live after nine") on ARD (German television), 19 Feb 2019
Clip about the work of Beyond History and a very special case, afterwards Andrea Bentschneider answered questions live about genealogy for hosts Isabel Varell and Tim Schreder.

"DAS!" ("THAT!", contrived acronym for "Das Abendstudio" - "The evening studio") on NDR (German televisoion), 05 Feb 2019
Andrea Bentschneider presents the special case of Hamburg theater director Theodor Damm.

"Ratgeber" ("Advisor") on n-tv (German television), 12 Jan 2017
Segment on hobby and professional genealogy with images of the Beyond History office and information from expert Andrea Bentschneider.
"Mythos Ahnenforschung" ("Myth genealogy") on Phoenix (German television), 24 Jan 2016
Appearance of Andrea Bentschneider as an expert.
"Hin und Weg" ("Towards and away") on Deutsche Welle TV (German foreign television station), 11 Jul 2015
Andrea Bentschneider accompanies the Australian couple Vaughan and Noelle Smith on their journey in the footsteps of their ancestors outside Hamburg.

"Deutschland heute" ("Germany today") on Deutsche Welle TV (German foreign television station), 13 Dez 2013
Short version of the presentation from the show "Rund um den Michel" ("Around the Michel") with Andrea Bentschneider as expert.
"Hamburg Journal" on NDR (German television), 11 Nov 2013
Short version of the presentation from the show "Rund um den Michel" ("Around the Michel") with Andrea Bentschneider as expert.
"Rund um den Michel" ("Around the Michel") on NDR (German television), 03 Nov 2013
"The Ancestor Detective":
Presentation of a family history in Hamburg researched by Beyond History with an appearance by Andrea Bentschneider as an expert.

"Deutschland – Deine Familien" ("Germany - your families") on ZDFInfo (German television), 06 Oct 2012
30-minute long version on the topic: "The longing for the roots":
Presentation of a family history researched by Beyond History with an appearance by Andrea Bentschneider as an expert.
"Deutschland – Deine Familien" ("Germany - Your families") on ZDF (German television), 29 Sep 2012
10-minute segment in the show on the topic: „Ahnen – Suche nach den eigenen Wurzeln“ ("Ancestors - Search for one's own roots"):
Presentation of a family history researched by Beyond History with an appearance of Andrea Bentschneider as an expert.
"Vivo" on 3sat (German television), 24 Jan 2009
topic: „Vorfahren – Suche nach den eigenen Wurzeln“ ("Ancestors - Search for one's own roots"):
Portrait – the genealogist Andrea Bentschneider.

RTL Regional (German television), 05 May 2008: topic "kinship"
Interview with genealogist Andrea Bentschneider at the Emigration Museum Ballinstadt in Hamburg.